Friday, July 27, 2012

Reflexa expands production plants

A total of 4.5 million euros invested reflexa in the new production plant.
Reflexa has invested heavily in many areas of production in new production plants. The sum of the total investment amounts to 4.5 million €. This not only creates better quality reflexa in our own production, but also secures jobs in the region. Of these, among others, convinced himself Hubert Hafner District under the single leadership.

Sun and insect protection products from the Bavarian-Swabia Rettenbach are not only experienced specialists of high quality. An important role is played by the most modern production plants. In recent years, reflexa in most product sectors investing heavily in new production plants in order to shorten delivery times and can handle larger quantities to order. The house interior shading system Plisseo ® fabric cutter and a new Halbfädelautomat have been installed. Since then, exceptional customer needs with consistent product quality can be achieved better and faster.

Modernization provides resources conservation

Other production areas but are also affected by the modernization. In recent years a new roll formers for top rail of the blind in manufacturing has been purchased. The head profile of a blind date had to be made with many complicated steps. Cutting, shaping, and several punching operations are now combined in a process-optimized device. Not only the same quality, but also the blending optimization ensures better product quality and resource conservation. Not least, the modernization of the final assembly of the shutter production at a new level of quality of the reflexa-blinds.

Reflexa invested 4.5 million

To invest in new production is, to assume the economic and social responsibility. The investment in the reflexa-production of 4.5 million euros will secure and create jobs not only in the region, they also provide the high quality of its products safe. It also Poltik regional and economic organizations were interested. The District Administrator of the Regional Director Hubert Hafner Günzburg, Günzburg Oliver Stipar Chamber of Commerce, the Director of the Economic Development Unit of the District Mayor Werner Weigelt and Sandra Dietrich-Kast came along with council's invitation to the official opening of the production. Then there was a constructive discussion on economic policy issues. As part of a management guests were able to convince you of the best production. During the subsequent ceremony the production machines were officially opened. May continue at the site Rettenbach the best solution produced in the visible sun protection.

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